klevius.info 10 2003- human evolution
Klevius web museum on human evolution Here's an updated version: How the closing of the Panama isthmus made human evolution possible Acknowledgement : Do realize that much of this old text was made before Homo floresiensis and the findings in the Denisova cave made cowardice Peter Klevius brave enough to write what he had wanted to already 1992 - ask his wife who can confirm it. How a wrinkled/complex "Pygmy"*1) brain became "human"/"Mongoloid"* in cold Asia Human rights, anti-racism/sexism, and a global worldview. without separatism*2) by Peter Klevius KLEVUX Klevius' hypothesis on human evolution (Discuss/refute it via Klevius' Anthropology Blog): Hypothesis assembled in public in May 2004 (Original idea from 1992 Demands for Resources). Link to a pile of open questions related to the hypothesis below. Plea...